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Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another journal published by IJSRMES or any other publisher. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article's publication has been approved by all the other coauthors. It is also the authors' responsibility to ensure that the articles emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the necessary institution.


Peer Review

All manuscripts are subject to peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. If approved by the editor, submissions will be considered by peer-reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.


Title and Authorship Information

The following information should be included:

  • Paper title

  • Full author names

  • Full institutional mailing addresses

  • Email addresses

  • Abstract

  • Keywords

The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free and should not exceed 250 words.



Present the subject of paper clearly, indicate the scope of the subject, and present the goals of paper, the novelty of research work and finally the organization of the paper.


Materials and Methods

This part should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described. The units and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units.


Preparation of Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript wherever they are expected to be in the final version of the manuscript. Tables should be created with a word processor and cited consecutively in the text. Please avoid using vertical rules and shading in table cells. Be careful in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. To ensure the highest print quality, figures submitted must be with a minimum of 300 dpi or higher resolutions. Captions/legends will be placed below figures and adjusted to 10 font size. We do not charge for color figure reproduction, rather we promote authors to submit color figures.


Results and Discussion

It may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided into subsections. This section should not contain technical details. Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, they should be defined; authors may also explain large numbers of abbreviations and acronyms in a footnote on the first page.



This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.


Acknowledgments (Optional)

All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.



The authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed.


Reference to a Journal article :
[1] R Kumar and K Raj. Design and Analysis of Machine Component. International Journal for Scientific Research in Modern Engineering and Science, Volume 01, Issue 01, pp. 1-10, 2019.
Reference to a book:
[2] Buss AD and Butler MS. (2010). Natural product chemistry for drug discovery, Second edition. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 299-300.

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